Feel Good 2020
My challenge for you in 2020 is this – what actions will create long-term, sustainable behaviors that will make you feel good?
My challenge for you in 2020 is this – what actions will create long-term, sustainable behaviors that will make you feel good?
If you follow the latest beauty trends you’ve no doubt seen that Gua Sha is having its moment in the spotlight…and for good reason. But, you probably still have NO IDEA what it is or why you should be doing it! Gua Sha is a rejuvenating facial therapy with roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)…. Read more
edited april 7, 2023: this was written years ago so I deleted a few companies/organizations I no longer support. also note, my product routine is SO incredibly pared down nowadays (oil cleansing and leahlani beauty balm for the face and a body oil for the rest! I am frequently asked what personal care products I… Read more
let’s start taking care of ourselves so we can be of better service to our friends, family, and community! here’s one way to jump-start your self care program…the CHAKRA CONNECTION technique from Healing Touch. ideally you’ll want to do this every. damn. day. in order to raise your vibration. and why would you want to… Read more
Well, we are approaching what I think is one of the worst days of the year – the autumnal daylight savings time. This period of time brings with it long stretches of darkness and colder weather, something this fan of summer dreads (and yet I continue to live in the northeast!). BUT I am vowing… Read more
Thank you so much for voting AYATANA Best Massage in Monmouth County! Check out the full list of winners online or view the print version (listing above – with my #1 yoga teacher husband highlighted). The annual Best of Party at the Berkeley Carteret in Asbury Park is coming up on October 12th. I participated… Read more
AYATANAMASSAGE.COM IS NOW AYATANAWELLNESS.COM Sometimes unexpected changes happen…and you just have to roll with it. I must have missed an email regarding my domain name expiring so here I am with a new identity! But believe me, I struggled with using the word WELLNESS. Why? Well, it’s straight up an overused word…and a confusing one. It’s… Read more
In the short time I’ve been doing Healing Touch I’ve seen some pretty significant and exciting results. This energy therapy technique is subtle, yet powerful and while it’s not anything like a traditional massage, your body, and perhaps more importantly your mind, will feel relaxed in a completely different and deeper way. Here’s just… Read more