The lymphatic system is such an important part of your health and it’s fascinating how interconnected it is to the body. It is certainly a buzz-worthy topic these days on social media! When delivered correctly, manual lymphatic drainage is an incredibly effective and beneficial therapy for a whole range of issues. After years of dabbling in… Read more
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edited april 7, 2023: this was written years ago so I deleted a few companies/organizations I no longer support. also note, my product routine is SO incredibly pared down nowadays (oil cleansing and leahlani beauty balm for the face and a body oil for the rest! I am frequently asked what personal care products I… Read more
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let’s start taking care of ourselves so we can be of better service to our friends, family, and community! here’s one way to jump-start your self care program…the CHAKRA CONNECTION technique from Healing Touch. ideally you’ll want to do this every. damn. day. in order to raise your vibration. and why would you want to… Read more
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Oooh boy…this was a challenge to write. I DO recommend far infrared saunas (FIR) but there are so many exaggerated claims on the internet about the benefits. I could very easily cut and paste the shared info I found on dozens of spa websites and articles so I’m going to try and sort through what’s… Read more
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Detox, noun: treatment designed to rid the body of poisonous substances, especially alcohol and drugs The detox industry is a scam. The term detox should be reserved only for medically supervised treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. It involves the use of machines and medicines to clear the body of d poisons that have overwhelmed the organs so much that they cease to function properly. The… Read more
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AYATANAMASSAGE.COM IS NOW AYATANAWELLNESS.COM Sometimes unexpected changes happen…and you just have to roll with it. I must have missed an email regarding my domain name expiring so here I am with a new identity! But believe me, I struggled with using the word WELLNESS. Why? Well, it’s straight up an overused word…and a confusing one. It’s… Read more
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An unexpected day off gave me an opportunity to visit ISLAND SPA & SAUNA in Edison NJ…if you’ve never been to a Korean Spa, stop what you’re doing, google the closest one to you, and GO! I don’t know why I am not making this a weekly thing because it’s so relaxing and energizing and… Read more
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