Well, we are approaching what I think is one of the worst days of the year – the autumnal daylight savings time. This period of time brings with it long stretches of darkness and colder weather, something this fan of summer dreads (and yet I continue to live in the northeast!). BUT I am vowing… Read more
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Thank you so much for voting AYATANA Best Massage in Monmouth County! Check out the full list of winners online or view the print version (listing above – with my #1 yoga teacher husband highlighted). The annual Best of Party at the Berkeley Carteret in Asbury Park is coming up on October 12th. I participated… Read more
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AYATANAMASSAGE.COM IS NOW AYATANAWELLNESS.COM Sometimes unexpected changes happen…and you just have to roll with it. I must have missed an email regarding my domain name expiring so here I am with a new identity! But believe me, I struggled with using the word WELLNESS. Why? Well, it’s straight up an overused word…and a confusing one. It’s… Read more
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Why get a massage? If you’re here then you already know the benefits of massage! But, some of you might need a little convincing before you part with your money and time. Here are the common excuses I hear for not getting a massage. *It costs too much. We spend our money on what we… Read more
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